Trans Pregnancy: Fertility, Reproduction and Body Autonomy
14-16 January 2020. Leeds, UK
In January 2020 we held an international conference on trans and non-binary people’s practices and experiences of reproduction and fertility.
We shared findings from our study, and invited others to join the conversation, bringing international researchers into conversation with trans/masculine and non-binary birth parents, activists, community organisers, healthcare practitioners and artists.
Topics under discussion included parenting experiences, reproductive justice, policy, law, and the media. There were also art performances, book readings, and film screenings.
Resources from the event and archived information can be found through the links below.
Videos from the plenary sessions
Presentation slides
Material presented at the event
Conference programme
Details of the event
Information on visual, auditory, and mobility issues, childcare, toilets, and dogs. We hope this might be useful for future organisers considering accessibility at academic/community conferences.